Use "misappropriate|misappropriated|misappropriates|misappropriating" in a sentence

1. One professor had misappropriated research funds.

2. The chairman was ousted after he misappropriated funds.

3. The treasurer misappropriated the society's funds.

4. He claimed the finance manager had misappropriated company funds.

5. Kadyrov himself has been accused of misappropriating funds from the republic's budget.

6. The dishonest treasurer misappropriated the club funds.

7. They're trying to say he... misappropriated money.

8. Any organization or individual may misappropriate, deductions vocational education funding.

9. He did misappropriate the public funds, but there were extenuating circumstances.

10. 27 He is accused of misappropriating $30 000 to pay off gambling debts.

11. The other was that he misappropriated large amounts of money .

12. A total of $500 million is alleged to have been misappropriated.

13. The chairman resigned when he was found to have misappropriated funds.

14. He is accused of misappropriating $30 000 to pay off gambling debts.

15. No organization or individual shall be allowed to misappropriate social insurance funds.

16. It is illegal for a fiduciary to misappropriate money for personal gain.

17. During the trial, Raabe admitted that he misappropriated $000 of church funds.

18. The directors or manager may not misappropriate company funds or loan such funds to others.

19. However, there were individual enterprise development or misappropriated by the maintenance fund.

20. The lawyer was sent to prison for misappropriating money placed in his care.

21. The suggestion that he misappropriated funds is Calumnious and politically motivated

22. No state organ or unIt'shall intercept or misappropriate funds to be used for agro - technical popularization.

23. No project principal or supporting institution may steal or misappropriate the funds by any means.

24. Article 82 It's prohibited for any person to misappropriate any public fund to trade securities.

25. I took no money for personal use and have not misappropriated any funds whatsoever.

26. No units or individuals may withhold or misappropriate the financial credit and funds to be used for agriculture.

27. In such circumstances councillors and officials can be sanctioned and made personally liable for misappropriated funds.

28. The administrators are alleging that the company's money was misappropriated and paid away for no benefit to the company.

29. 6 The Archdiocese of San Francisco filed a civil lawsuit alleging that Greenlaw misappropriated up to $ 2 000 from the church.

30. The Archdiocese of San Francisco filed a civil lawsuit alleging that Greenlaw misappropriated up to $ 2 000 from the church.

31. In its narrowly defined sense the responsibility of stewardship is to demonstrate that those assets have not been misappropriated.

32. The compensation and other charges paid to the unit for its land expropriated is forbidden to be embezzled or misappropriated.

33. Additionally, some Thousand Talents Plan Professors have reported fraud in the program including misappropriated grant funding, poor accommodations, and violations of research ethics.

34. 27 The compensation and other charges paid to the unit for its land expropriated is forbidden to be embezzled or misappropriated.

35. They Availed the loan not to start businesses, but to restitute Nu 6.5M misappropriated from the Royal Body Guards (RBG) fund by the former commandant Brigadier Thinley Tobgay

36. As the UN and World Bank have emphasised, those exercising political power are misappropriating international aid, the country’s resources, leaving the Cambodian people in a state of abject poverty.

37. If the original entity has ceased to exist or it exists but it has been written off the corrupted and misappropriated funds as losses, the distraint shall be handed over to the national treasure.

38. The Sessions Court today granted a request by the prosecution to give a discharge not Amounting to an acquittal to Datuk Seri Najib Razak's step-son, Riza Aziz, who was charged with five counts of money laundering Amounting to US$248 million (RM1.25 billion), allegedly misappropriated from 1Malaysia Development Bhd (1MDB) funds.